Module Title: Object Orientated Analysis and Design
Room: 25-405
Time: Wednesday 8:00-10:20 AM
Number of Weeks: 16
Submissions/Quizzes: VLE (Login)

Recommended Text: Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 3rd Edition by Booch

1. Attendance, Participation and Quizzes 10%;
2. Experiments/Project: 40%;
3. Examination: 50%.

Lecture/Discussion Hours
01 Introduction (Course structure, grading, aims, ...) L 3
02 Complexity (Modern software, managing complex systems, organising, ...) L 3
03 Object Model (Design and analysis concepts, abstraction, responsibilities, ...) L 3
04 Classes and Objects (Nature and interplay of classes/objects) L 3
05 Classification (Importance and identifying classes and objects) L 3
06 Notation (Part 1) (Diagrams, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Use-Case Diagrams, ...) L 3
07 Notation (Part 2) L 3
08 Processes (Principles, lifecycle, ...) L 3
09 Pragmatics (Management, planning, risk, quality, tools and documentation, ...) L 3
10 Examples/applications (review/apply techniques from previous lectures) L/D 3
11 Examples/applications (review/apply techniques from previous lectures) L/D 3
12 Examples/applications (review/apply techniques from previous lectures) L/D 3
13 Examples/applications (review/apply techniques from previous lectures) L/D 3
14 Review and Questions (review/discussion/quizzes) L/D 3
15 Review and Questions (review/discussion/quizzes) S -
16 Review and Questions (review/discussion/quizzes) S -

Group Project [ Marking/Demonstration Criteria ] [ IEEE Report Format/Layout ]
(2-3 People)
18+ hrs

For example:
1. System analysis: study, understand, and define requirements for the system (model of the system's functional requirements)
2. Defining the boundaries of the problem
3. Use-case model
4. Deployment view
5. Sequence diagram and operation
6. Design to code (UML design diagram)

030--Object Model
040--Classes and Objects
060--Notation Part 1
070--Notation Part 2
100--Examples A
110--Examples B
120--Examples C

See online (Digital Quizzes)